Jeff Essmann
Appointed by Senate Majority Leader Fred Thomas

About Jeff
Jeff Essmann is a Billings native who grew up in a small business household and began waiting on customers in his parents’ dry cleaning business when he was 12. After graduating from Billings West High School he received a BS in Industrial Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology and a Juris Doctor at the University of Montana School of Law.
After practicing law for about five years in Billings and Butte, Jeff left the practice of law to purchase his parents’ business. Jeff grew the business from 11 employees to a peak employment of 33 and became engaged in commercial real estate development along the way. Jeff was proud of the Coat drive he started with his business that gathered and cleaned over 90,000 winter coats for people of need in his community.
Jeff enjoyed being a Big Brother in Big Brothers and Sisters, and enjoyed selling beer as member of the Billings Breakfast Exchange Club at events in the Metra. The Club raised the money for child abuse prevention and other activities. Jeff was appointed to a four year stint on the Yellowstone City County Planning Board from 1999 to 2003 where he developed the West End Master Plan with his friends Bill Cole and Doug Clark.
Among Jeff’s avocations in his youth was his participation in local Republican party activities including going door to door for his young friends running for office and serving as an elected precinct officer for the party. He served as Chair of the Yellowstone County Republican Central Committee from 1995 to 1999 and Chairman of the Montana Republican Party from 2015 to 2017. During his short tenure he organized four state conventions: one platform, one to nominate a congressional candidate, one officer’s and platform convention and one presidential delegate convention.
Jeff began his legislative career when he sought appointment to the vacant Montana Senate seat created when John Bohlinger was elected Lieutenant Governor in 2004. After a prolonged controversy, the Yellowstone County Commission appointed Jeff to the seat on New Year’s Eve 2004 and he took his oath of office two days later. Jeff won election to the seat in 2006 after a spirited primary, was re-elected in 2010, and was elected to the Montana House in 2014 and 2016. Jeff served in a variety of legislative leadership positions including Chairman of Senate Taxation Committee in 2009, Senate Majority Leader in 2011, Senate President in 2013, and Chairman of the House State Administration Committee in 2015 and House Taxation Committee in 2017. In addition he served as Chairman of the Rules Committee of the Senate in 2011 and the House Rules Committee in 2015 and 2017. Jeff was appointed to the Montana Districting and Apportionment Commission by Senate Majority Leader Fred Thomas in 2019.
Commissioner Jeff Essmann
PO Box 80945
Billings MT 59108
(406) 534-3345
Email Commissioner Essmann directly at